10 Cable Machine Workouts To Transform Your Body

cable machine workouts
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Cable machine workouts are very helpful in providing constant tension on the muscles throughout the entire range of motion which helps to stimulate muscle growth and helps to improve muscular endurance.

Cable machine workouts in your routine can offer you many benefits, they help to provide constant tension, stimulate muscle growth and enhance overall muscle development.

We explore the top 10 cable machine workouts that can transform your body very quickly

Top 10 Cable Machine Workouts

Here are the top 10 cable machine workouts

1. Cable Crossover

Cable machine workout

Cable crossover is one of the best exercises for targeting the chest muscles. It helps to build definition and proper shape in the chest.

To perform Cable crossover

1. Attach the D handles to both sides of the cable machine and set the pulley to the top level.

2. Stand in the middle of the cable machine with your feet shoulder-width apart.

3. Grab the handles with an overhand grip and extend your arms out to the sides.

4. Now bring your arms together to the front by crossing them over each other.

5. Hold in the position and squeeze the chest muscles.

6. Then, slowly return to the starting position and continue doing the same.

2. Cable Flyes

Cable flyes is an effective isolation exercise that targets the chest muscles mainly the pectoralis major.

To perform Cable flyes

1. Attach the D handles to both sides of the cable machine and set the pulley to the mid level.

2. Stand in the middle of the cable machine with your feet shoulder-width apart.

3. Grab the handles with an overhand grip and extend your arms out to the sides.

4. By engaging the chest muscle bring the handles together in front of your body in an hugging motion.

5. Hold in the position and squeeze the chest muscles.

6. Then, slowly return to the starting position and continue doing the same.

3. Face Pull

Face pull is the best exercise that targets the rear deltoids, rotator cuff muscles and the upper back.

To perform face pull

1. Attach the rope to the cable machine and set the pulley to the top level.

2. Stand facing the cable machine and grab the rope with an overhand grip

3. Go a few steps back and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

4. Hold the bar with both hands and pull it toward your face by retracting your shoulder blades.

5. The rope handle should be above your head while you pull it.

6. Hold in this position and squeeze the rear deltoid and back muscles.

7. Bring back to the starting position and continue doing the same.

4. Triceps Pushdown

cable machine workouts

Triceps pushdown is an effective exercise for targeting the triceps muscles. It helps to strengthen and sculpt the triceps.

To perform triceps pushdown

1. Attach the straight bar or rope to the cable machine and set the pulley to the top level.

2. Stand facing the machine with your feet shoulder width apart.

3. Grab the bar with both hands with an overhand grip.

4. Bend the elbows and push the bar downward

5. Hold the bar at the position and squeeze the tricep muscles.

6. Now slowly bring the bar to the starting position and continue doing the same for more reps.

5. Seated Cable Row

Cable machine workouts

Seated cable is a good exercise that targets the multiple muscles in the back mainly latissimus dorsi, rhomboids and trapezius.

To perform seated cable row

1. Sit on the cable row machine and place your feet on the footrests.

2. Grab the V bar or straight bar with both hands with an overhand grip by extending your arms fully.

3. Keep your back straight and pull the bar towards your lower abdomen by bending your elbows.

4. Hold in that position and squeeze the back muscles.

5. Then, slowly return the bar to the starting position and continue doing the same.

6. Cable Crunches

Cable crunches is an highly effective exercise that mainly targets the rectus abdominis which is the muscle responsible for the six pack appearance.

To perform cable crunches

1. Attach the rope to the cable machine and set the pulley to the top level.

2. Kneel down in the front of the cable machine and hold the rope

3. By holding the rope near your ears bend your body down by flexing your spine and crunching your torso down toward your thigh.

4. At this moment your chest should be near your thigh.

5. Hold in this position and squeeze the abdominal muscles.

6. Then slowly return to the starting position and continue doing the same for more counts.

7. Lat Pulldown

back workout

Lat pulldown is the best exercise that mainly targets the latissimus dorsi muscles. It helps to build strength, size and definition in the back.

To perform lat pulldown

1. Sit down on the lat pulldown machine and adjust the thigh pads to sit comfortably.

2. Grab the bar with an overhand grip and keep your hand wider than the shoulder width apart.

3. Now pull the bar downwards till it comes near your chest.

4. Hold in that position and squeeze the back muscles.

5. Now slowly return the bar to the starting position and continue doing the same.

8. Cable Bicep Curl

Cable bicep curl is a good exercise for targeting the bicep muscles. It provides constant tension on the biceps throughout the movement.

To perform cable bicep curl

1. Attach the straight bar to the cable machine and set the pulley to the lowest level.

2. Stand facing the cable machine and grab the bar with both hands by extending your arms fully.

3. Now pull the bar upwards towards your shoulders and squeeze the bicep muscles.

4. Now slowly return the bar to the starting position and continue doing the same.

9. Cable Lateral Raise

Cable lateral raise is an effective exercise for targeting the lateral deltoids and it helps to build strength, definition and width to the shoulders.

To perform shoulder cable lateral raises

1. Attach the handle to the cable machine and set the pulley to the lowest level.

2. Stand facing the cable machine sideways with your feet shoulder-width apart.

3. Grab the handle near your thigh and push it to the sides.

4. Focus on the lateral deltoid muscles and confirm that they target the shoulder rather than traps.

5. Hold in that top position and squeeze the lateral deltoid muscles.

6. Lower the handle back to the starting position and continue doing the same.

10. Cable woodchopper

Woodchopper is the best exercise that targets the obliques, core muscles and hip muscles.

To perform wood chopper

1. Attach the handles to the high pulley of the cable machine.

2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart by facing the cable machine.

3. Grab the handles with both hands with your arms fully extended in front of you.

4. Pull the handles diagonally across your body towards the opposite hip by rotating your torso.

5. Hold in this position and squeeze the abs and core muscles.

6. Then slowly return to the starting position and continue doing the same.

Benefits of doing Cable Machine Workouts

Here are the top 3 benefits of doing cable machine workouts.

1. Constant Tension

Cable machine workouts provide constant tension throughout the movement which helps to increase muscle growth and muscle activation compared to free weight or machines which fully depend on gravity.

2. Range of Motion

Cable machine workouts allow a full range of motion which helps to improve flexibility and joint mobility. Doing workouts with full range of motion also increases muscle growth and muscle activation.

3. Isolation and Integration

Cable machines are useful for both isolation workouts (targeting specific muscle areas) and integrated movements (including several muscle groups). This flexibility allows individuals to personalize their workouts to their own goals and needs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cable Machine Workouts

Here are the frequently asked questions about cable machine workouts.

1. Are cable machine workouts suitable for beginners?

Yes, cable machines are suitable for beginners because they have adjustable resistance levels and give stability during exercising. Beginners can begin with lesser weights and progressively increase resistance as they gain confidence with the routines.

2. How frequently should I include cable machine workouts into my routine?

The frequency of cable machine workouts is determined by individual fitness goals, current fitness level, and total training routine. However, most people should incorporate cable machine workouts 2-3 times a week with sufficient rest in between sessions.

3. What are some frequent mistakes to avoid when using a cable machine?

Common mistakes to avoid include using poor form, using too much weight, relying on momentum to finish repetitions, and failing to warm up properly before beginning the workout. It is essential to concentrate on controlled motions, maintain proper posture, and choose a weight that allows for proper form during each exercise.

The Bottom Line

Cable machine workouts offer you an effective way to target different muscle groups, improve strength and enhance overall fitness.

Doing cable machine workouts 2-3 times a week helps to increase muscle growth and muscle activation because it provides constant tension throughout the movement.

Whether you’re a beginner trying to get started with resistance training or an experienced lifter looking for new challenges, cable machine routines will help you reach your fitness goals quickly and efficiently. Individuals can maximize the benefits of cable machine training by using good technique, consistency, and increasing overload to advance their fitness journey.

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