The 10 Cable Shoulder Workouts For Bigger Delts

Cable Shoulder Workouts
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10 Cable Shoulder Workouts To Improve Muscle Growth

Cable shoulder workouts are very helpful in providing constant tension on the muscles throughout the entire range of motion which helps to stimulate muscle growth and improves muscular endurance.

Adding cable workouts into your shoulder routine can offer you many benefits, it helps to provide constant tension, helps to stimulate muscle growth and enhances overall shoulder development.

These top 10 cable shoulder workouts help to target the different parts of the shoulder mainly the anterior, lateral and posterior deltoids as well as the muscles in the upper back.

Top 10 Cable Shoulder Workouts

Here are the top 10 cable shoulder workouts.

1. Cable Shoulder Press

Cable shoulder press is an effective exercise that helps to target the deltoid muscles and this is the best alternative for barbell and dumbbell shoulder press.

To perform cable shoulder press

1. Adjust the cable machine to the shoulder height and keep your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Grab the handles with an overhand grip.

3. Now, hold the handles at shoulder height and bend your elbow at a 90-degree angle.

4. Push the handle upwards by extending your arms fully.

5. Hold in that position and squeeze the shoulder muscles.

6. Then lower the handles back to the starting position and continue doing the same for more reps.

2. Shoulder Cable Lateral Raises

Shoulder cable lateral raises are the best exercise to target the lateral deltoids and they help to build width and definition to the shoulders.

To perform shoulder cable lateral raises

1. Set the cable machine to the lowest position and attach the handle.

2. Stand facing the cable machine sideways with your feet shoulder-width apart.

3. Grab the handle near your thigh and push it to the sides.

4. Focus on the lateral deltoid muscles and confirm that it targets the shoulder rather than traps.

5. Hold in that top position and squeeze the lateral deltoid muscles.

6. Then lower the handle back to the starting position and continue doing the same.

3. Shoulder Cable Front Raise

Shoulder cable front raise is an effective exercise that targets the front deltoid muscles and it is helpful to build strength and definition.

To perform shoulder cable front raise

1. Set the cable to the lowest position and attach the bar.

2. Stand facing the machine with your feet shoulder-width apart.

3. Grab the bar with both hands and hold it near your thigh.

4. Lift the bar to the front by keeping your arms straight.

5. Hold in that position and squeeze the front deltoids

6. At last lower the bar down to the starting position and continue the same for more reps.

4. Cable Face Pulls

Cable face pulls are the best exercise that targets the rear deltoids, upper traps and the muscles on the back. It helps to improve posture and shoulder health.

To perform cable face pulls

1. Set the pulley to the top position and attach the rope handle.

2. Stand facing the machine and grab the rope handles with an overhand grip.

3. Go a few steps back and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

4. Hold the bar with both hands and pull it toward your face by retracting your shoulder blades.

5. The rope handle should be above your head while you pull it.

6. Hold in this position and squeeze the rear deltoid and back muscles.

7. Bring back to the starting position and continue doing the same.

5. Cable Upright Row

The cable upright row is a good exercise that targets the upper trapezius, lateral deltoids and muscles on the upper back. It helps to build shoulder and upper back strength.

To perform the cable upright row

1. Set the cable machine to the lowest position and attach the straight bar.

2. Stand facing the bar with your feet shoulder-width apart.

3. Grab the bar with both hands and hold it near your thigh.

4. Lift the bar upwards towards your chin and keep the bar close to your body.

5. Hold in the position and squeeze your shoulder blades together.

6. Lower back the bar to the starting position and continue doing the same.

6. Cable Reverse delt fly

Cable reverse delt fly is an effective exercise that targets the rear deltoids. It helps to build upper traps and the muscles in the back.

To perform cable reverse delt fly

1. Set the cable machine to the chest height and attach the D handles.

2. Stand facing the cable machine and hold the handles in each hand.

3. Position yourself in the center of the cable machine.

4. Go two steps back and keep your feet shoulder-width apart.

5. Extend your arms to the front, this is the starting position.

6. Now Open your arms to the sides with a slight bend in your elbow.

7. Hold in position and squeeze the shoulder muscles.

8. Bring back the handles to the starting position and continue doing for reps.

7. Cable Shrugs

Cable shrugs are an excellent exercise for targeting the upper trapezius muscles, which are located in the upper back and neck. This exercise helps to develop trapezius strength and definition, which leads to a well-rounded upper body.

To perform cable shrugs

1. Set the cable machine to the lowest position and attach the straight bar.

2. Stand facing the bar with your feet shoulder-width apart.

3. Grab the bar with both hands and hold it near your thigh.

4. Elevate your shoulders by shrugging them straight up towards your ears.

5. Focus on lifting the weight on the traps.

6. Hold in the position and squeeze the traps at the peak of the contraction

7. Lower back the bar to the starting position and continue doing the same.

8. Single Arm Cable Front Raises

Single-arm cable front raise is an effective isolation exercise that targets the anterior deltoid which helps to develop shoulder strength, definition and improves stability.

To perform shoulder cable front raise

1. Set the cable to the lowest position and attach the D handles.

2. Stand facing the machine with your feet shoulder-width apart.

3. Grab the handle in one hand and hold it near your thigh.

4. Lift the handle to the front by keeping your arms straight.

5. Hold in that position and squeeze the front deltoids

6. At last lower the handle down to the starting position and continue the same for more reps.

7. Do the same process for the other hand also.

9. Cable Alternate Shoulder Press

The cable alternate shoulder press is the best exercise that targets the front deltoids and trapezius. It is an alternative to the traditional shoulder press. Doing this exercise in a cable machine provides resistance.

To perform cable alternate shoulder press

1. Adjust the cable machine to the shoulder height and keep your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Grab both handles with an overhand grip.

3. Now, hold both the handles at shoulder height and bend your elbow at a 90-degree angle.

4. First push one handle upwards by extending your arms fully.

5. Do the same for the other hand alternatively.

6. Hold at the top position and squeeze the shoulder muscles.

7. Then lower the handles back to the starting position and continue doing the same for more reps.

10. Cable Y Raise

Cable Y raises are an effective workout that targets the shoulder muscles, particularly the deltoids. This exercise strengthens the muscles responsible for shoulder abduction and it helps to improve shoulder stability and posture.

To perform cable Y raises

1. Set the cable to the lowest position and attach the D handles.

2. Stand facing the machine with your feet shoulder-width apart.

3. Hold the handle in front of your thigh with your arms extended fully.

4. Lift the handle upwards forming a Y shape with your arms.

5. Hold in that position and squeeze the lateral deltoids.

6. Then lower the handle back to the starting position and continue doing the same for more reps.

Benefits of Doing Cable Shoulder Workouts

Here are the top 4 benefits of doing cable shoulder workouts.

1. Constant Tension

Cable machines provide consistent stress to the muscles throughout the entire range of motion. This continual resistance maximizes muscle engagement and increases muscular growth.

2. Improved Muscle Balance

Cable exercises allow you to manage muscle imbalances by doing unilateral (single-arm) movements. This is especially useful for correcting strength imbalances between the left and right sides of the body.

3. Improved Muscle Balance

Cable workouts improve muscular isolation in specific shoulder muscles. You can target the anterior, lateral, and posterior deltoids, as well as other shoulder stabilizing muscles, for a more thorough shoulder workout.

4. Stability and Core Engagement

Many cable shoulder exercises require stabilization, which involves engaging core muscles and promoting overall stability. This increased component of stability leads to functional strength.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cable Shoulder Workouts

Here are the frequently asked questions about cable shoulder workouts.

1. Are cable shoulder workouts suitable for beginners?

Yes, cable shoulder workouts are suitable for beginners. Start with lower weight and focus on proper form. Increase your weight gradually to avoid injuries.

2. How frequently should I include cable shoulder workouts in my routine?

The frequency with which you perform shoulder cable workouts is determined by your entire training programme. As a general rule, 1-2 times a week with proper rest in between is a good starting point. Listen to your body and make adjustments based on your recovery and personal needs.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, adding cable workouts to your shoulder workout routine can be highly helpful in overall shoulder development, strength, stability and definition.

These 10 cable shoulder workouts give you a different range of movements that target different parts of the shoulders mainly the anterior, lateral and posterior deltoids. Do these workouts in proper form and control to avoid injuries.

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