Healthy Weight Gain Foods: 13 Nutritious High-Calorie Choices

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Why High-Calorie Foods are Important for Weight Gain

Eat high-calorie foods that have healthy fats, high protein, healthy carbohydrates, a good amount of fiber, plenty of vitamins and minerals. If you eat foods with all these you will weight gain without adding extra fat to your body.

Weight gain in a healthy and controlled manner mainly requires a good approach to your diet. Only some people focus on increasing their calorie intake to achieve their weight gain goals.

These nutrient-rich foods not only provide calories, they also provide essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates that help in healthy weight gain.

Weight gain is simple if you start eating healthy high-calorie foods. Eating healthy foods helps in healthy weight gain.

Top 13 Healthy High Calorie Foods For Weight Gain

1. Cheese

high calorie food

Cheese is the best high-calorie food due to its healthy fat content. Its calories may vary based on its size. Cheese is a convenient and easy way to increase your calorie intake which is very suitable for people who are looking to gain weight.

Cheese contains healthy fats, a good amount of protein and contains a high amount of calories.

1 cup of cheese contains 400 calories

Cheese has many nutrients including calcium, protein, fat, vitamin D, vitamin B12 and Phosphorous.

Cheese contains saturated fats and it also contains polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats which are healthy.

Cheese has several health benefits like maintaining healthy bones, and teeth, supports muscle function, supports nerve transmission and helps in weight gain.

Cheese helps in weight gain but it should be consumed in moderation. Eating more cheese at the same time can bring you digestive problems

2. Sweet Potatoes

high calorie foods for weight gain

Sweet potatoes are a high-calorie food due to their healthy carbohydrate content.

Sweet potatoes not only provide high calories but they also as a wide range of essential nutrients in them. It is considered as a high-calorie healthy food.

It is rich in carbohydrates mainly complex carbohydrates. It is one of the body’s primary sources of energy providing calories.

Sweet potatoes are high in calories but they should be consumed in moderation. Eating too many sweet potatoes on the same day can cause digestive problems.

Sweet potatoes are a convenient and easy way to increase your calorie intake which is very suitable for people who are looking for weight gain.

Sweet potatoes contain healthy carbohydrates, a good amount of fiber, plenty of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins and minerals include vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium and manganese. These nutrients provide various health benefits.

100g of sweet potato gives 150kcal

3. Rice

Nutrient-rich foods for weight gain

Rice is a high-calorie food that can be useful for weight gain when you add to your diet.

Rice is a calorie-dense food primarily composed of carbohydrates, which is suitable for people who are looking for weight gain.

1 cup(160g) of rice gives you 210 calories and 45g of carbohydrates.

Rice is less in fiber so you can consume more food without feeling fuller. Split rice into more meals, don’t eat more food at the same time.

You can use rice with various dishes and it is easy to incorporate it with various meals. You can pair it with vegetables and protein making it as a calorie-rich food.

It is calorie-rich food but eating more amount at the same time can lead to unhealthy weight so split rice into different meals.

4. Milk

high calorie foods for weight gain

Milk is a dairy product that has a good amount of calories in it. It is considered a high-calorie beverage which is beneficial for weight gain when you add it to your diet.

Milk is a calorie-dense beverage that provides a high number of calories and the calorie content may vary based on its fat content.

Whole milk has a high-calorie content while low-fat milk contains fewer calories than whole milk

Milk is rich in saturated fat which provides more calories than per gram of proteins and carbs. The fat in the milk mainly contributes to calorie density so people who are looking for weight gain can choose whole milk for higher calories.

Milk is the best source of high-quality protein which helps in muscle growth and recovery. The protein in milk provides 4 calories per gram so it also contributes to weight gain.

Milk is rich in essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12 and Potassium.

250 ml of whole milk gives you 180 calories

5. Nuts

Nutrient-rich foods for weight gain

Nuts are a high-calorie and nutrient-rich food that helps in weight gain when you consume it as a part of a balanced diet.

They offer plenty of nutrients like protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and their calorie density which increases your calorie intake and helps in healthy weight gain.

Nuts are rich in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats which provide 9 calories per gram, due to these fats mainly contribute to weight gain.

Nuts provide many essential vitamins and minerals mainly vitamin E, magnesium, vitamin B and phosphorus which help in healthy weight gain.

You can mix nuts with a variety of dishes including yogurt, smoothies and oatmeal.

100g of mixed nuts gives you 500 kcal

6. Red Meat

Weight gain foods for athletes

Red meat is considered as a high-calorie food which is beneficial for weight gain when you add it into your diet.

It is a high-calorie food due to its fat content, protein content and calorie density. When you add red meat as a part of your diet, it is very useful for people who are looking to increase their calorie intake.

Red meat is a calorie-dense food among animal proteins.

Red meat is a high-quality rich protein compared to all animal proteins. It provides 4 calories per gram, contributing to the calorie count. Protein is helpful in muscle growth and repairing tissues.

It has a rich fat content mainly saturated fat which supports weight gain. It is a calorie-dense fat that gives 9 calories per gram which is more than proteins and carbs.

85g of Beef Steak gives you 250 calories

7. Avocado

Best foods to gain weight

Avocado is a healthy fruit which is considered as a high-calorie food that contributes to weight gain.

Avocado is a calorie-dense food that gives more calories per serving. The calories may depend on their sizes.

100g of avocado gives 150 calories

Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats. which contributes to weight gain. It is a calorie-dense fat that gives 9 calories per gram which is more than proteins and carbs.

Avocados are rich in nutrients mainly vitamins and minerals including vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamin B and potassium which support muscle growth so avocados contribute to healthy weight gain.

8. Protein smoothies

high calorie food for weight gain

Protein smoothies are the best choice to increase your calorie intake. Protein smoothies are high in calories with plenty of nutrients.

Protein plays the main role in muscle building and repairing tissues. Protein smoothies give you 4 calories per gram which helps in weight gain. You can add protein powders with a variety of smoothies to increase your protein intake, calorie intake and also for good taste.

Protein smoothies provide healthy fats, healthy carbs and fiber with plenty of minerals and vitamins.

Here are a few varieties of smoothies. You can combine these with 250ml milk.

1: Chocolate banana oats shake: One scoop of chocolate whey protein, 1 banana, 30g of oats and a tablespoon of chocolate peanut butter.

2: Oats Nut berry shake: 50g of oats, 1 scoop of any flavoured whey protein, a handful of berries and half a handful of nuts.

These smoothies give you more than 500 kcal

9. Protein Bars

Nutrient-rich foods for weight gain

Protein bars are high-calorie foods that provide a good amount of protein, carbohydrates and fat. It is beneficial to increase your calorie intake and protein intake which helps in weight gain when added to a balanced diet.

Protein bars contain mainly fats and carbs which are called macronutrients. Carbohydrates in protein bars provide 5 calories per gram and fats provide 8 calories per gram.

Protein bars are mainly added with nuts, berries, seeds, oats and Choco chips that help in healthy weight gain.

It also provides plenty of vitamins and minerals mainly vitamin A, B, C, D, E, calcium and iron.

1 protein bar gives you 300 calories

10. Whole Grain Bread

Protein-rich foods for weight gain

Whole grain bread is a good source of high-calorie food when combined with protein sources like egg, cheese and meat.

Whole-grain bread is another carb source that is suitable for weight gain when you add it to your diet.

You can add vegetables and proteins with whole grain bread and make as a sandwich to eat that helps in healthy weight gain.

170g Sandwich bread with vegetables and proteins gives you 300-400 kcal

11. Whole Eggs

Protein-rich foods for weight gain

Whole eggs are considered as high-calorie food which contributes to weight gain due to their healthy fats and protein content.

Whole eggs are a rich source of healthy fats mainly monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. It provides 9 calories per gram which helps to gain weight.

Eggs are high-quality rich protein. One whole egg gives you 6.2g of proteins and it provides 4 calories per gram that helps in healthy weight gain.

Eggs provide essential vitamins and minerals mainly vitamin B12, phosphorous and selenium.

1 Whole egg gives 155kcal

12. Fatty Fish

The 13 Healthy High-Calorie Foods for Weight Gain

Fatty fish is a calorie-dense food and nutrient-rich food that helps in weight gain when incorporated with a balanced diet.

Fatty fish like salmon, sardines and mackerel are calorie-dense foods that provide a good amount of calories.

85g of salmon gives you 200 kcal

Fatty fish mainly provide omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA. These fats provide 8 calories per gram which is more than proteins and carbs.

They provide essential nutrients, proteins, carbs and healthy fiber.

13. Yogurt

Energy-boosting foods for weight gain

Yogurt is a high-calorie healthy food that helps to gain weight. It provides calories through protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats.

Yogurt provides a high amount of calories mainly through carbs and protein. Their calorie content may depend on the type of yogurt.

Yogurt provides a good source of protein mainly from Greek yogurt. It gives 4 calories per gram which helps to gain weight.

160g of Greek yogurt gives 170kcal

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, adopting good food choices to promote your entire well-being is more important than just consuming too many calories to achieve healthy weight gain. The 15 high-calorie foods covered in this article provide a balanced strategy for achieving weight gain goals while also meeting your body’s nutritional requirements.

You can make sure that your weight-gain journey is both efficient and healthy by include these nutrient-dense meals in your diet. These foods give you the calories, good fats, proteins, and micronutrients you need to attain your goals in a sustainable and balanced manner, whether you’re trying to gain muscle, recover from an illness, or slow down a fast metabolism.

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