Cable Chest Workout – Top 10 Workouts and Benefits

Cable chest workout
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10 Cable Chest Workouts for Bigger Pecs

A cable chest workout is the best way to target your chest muscles (pectoralis major and minor) while using a cable machine at the gym.

Cable exercises apply continual stress to your muscles throughout the range of motion, helping you develop strength and muscle definition in your chest.

Do warm up before starting any workout. Doing warm-up helps to reduce the risk of injury and improves workout performance.

Chest is made up of two main muscles pectoralis major and pectoralis minor.

Pectoralis Major

Pectoralis major is the largest of the two muscles which is mainly responsible for the size and shape of the chest.

It is a fan shaped muscles that covers the anterior(front side) part of the chest.

This muscle is involved in various essential upper body movements, including shoulder flexion, adduction, and internal rotation.

It consists of two main parts called sternal head and clavicular head.

1. Clavicular head (Upper Chest)

The clavicular head of the pectoralis major originates from the clavicle, often known as the collarbone. It develops from the clavicle’s medial or inner side.

Clavicular head connects to the humerus, the upper arm bone. It inserts specifically into the upper section of the humerus, near the shoulder joint.

In Strength Training and Bodybuilding, exercises that target the clavicular head of the pectoralis major are important for developing the upper chest area.

The Exercises used to work on this part of the chest are incline bench press, incline cable press and incline dumbbell press.

2. Sternal Head (Lower Chest)

The sternal head of the pectoralis major arises from the sternum, which is the breastbone. It develops from the anterior or front surface of the sternum.

The sternal head connects to the humerus, the upper arm bone. It is attached to the upper section of the humerus, close to the shoulder joint.

Pectoralis Minor

The Pectoralis minor is a smaller triangle shaped muscle which is located down to the pectoralis major. It plays the important role in shoulder blade movement.

It is responsible for the movements and function in the scapula and shoulder joint

Here let us discuss about all the cable chest workouts that help to build all three parts(Upper chest, lower chest and mid chest) of the chest muscles.

Best 10 Cable Chest Workout

Here are the best 10 cable chest workouts to build strength in your chest muscles.

1. Flat Cable Bench Press

The flat cable bench press is the best exercise that targets the pectoral muscles. It is similar to a barbell bench press but doing a cable bench press gives you resistance.

Doing a flat cable bench press helps to build strength and muscle mass. It gives the advantage of constant tension on the chest muscles which helps in muscle development and overall chest growth.

To perform a flat cable bench press

1. Place the flat bench in the center of the cable machine.

2. Attach the handles to the low pulley in the cable machine.

3. Lie on the flat bench by keeping your feet on the floor and grab the handles with an overhand grip.

4. Push the handle upwards with your arms fully extended.

5. Hold in this position for 1-2 sec and squeeze the chest muscles.

6. Then lower the hands to the starting position and continue doing more reps.

2. Incline Cable Bench Press

The incline cable bench press is an effective exercise for targeting the upper chest muscles and particularly it helps to build strength and definition.

To perform an incline cable bench press

1. Place the bench in the center of the cable machine and adjust the bench to a 45-degree angle.

2. Attach the handles to the low pulley in the cable machine.

3. Lie on the incline bench by keeping your feet on the floor and grab the handles with an overhand grip.

4. Push the handle upwards with your arms fully extended.

5. Hold in this position for 1-2 sec and squeeze the chest muscles.

6. Then lower the hands to the starting position and continue doing more reps.

3. Decline Cable Bench Press

The decline cable bench press is an effective exercise for targeting the lower chest muscles and also it helps to build a well-rounded and balanced chest development.

To perform a decline cable bench press

1. Place the bench in the center of the cable machine and adjust the bench to a 15-degree angle.

2. Attach the handles to the lower pulley of the cable machine.

3. Lie on the decline bench by keeping your feet on the floor and grab the handles with an overhand grip.

4. Push the handle upwards with your arms fully extended.

5. Hold in this position for 1-2 sec and squeeze the chest muscles.

6. Then lower the hands to the starting position and continue doing more reps.

4. High-to-Low Cable Crossovers

cable chest workouts

High-to-low cable crossovers are a great chest exercise for isolating and strengthening the pectoral muscles.

To perform high to low cable crossovers

1. Stand in the center of the cable machine.

2. Attach the handle to the pulley and move it to the top level of the cable machine.

3. Grab the handle in each hand by keeping your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend your elbows.

4. Extend your arms upwards and pull the handle downwards by bringing both your hands together near your chest in a hugging motion and squeeze your chest muscles.

5. Then return to the starting position and repeat the same.

5. Low-to-High Cable Crossovers

cable chest workout

Low-to-high cable crossovers create a unique angle of resistance for the chest muscles and can help in the development of the upper chest. This workout particularly helps to increase chest strength and definition.

To perform low to high cable crossovers

1. Stand in the center of the cable machine.

2. Attach the handle to the pulley and move it to the bottom level of the cable machine.

3. Grab the handle in each hand by keeping your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend your elbows.

4. Extend your arms downwards and pull the handle upwards by bringing both your hands together near your chest in a hugging motion and squeeze your chest muscles.

5. Then return to the starting position and repeat the same.

6. Mid Cable Crossovers

chest exercise

Mid-cable crossovers are an effective chest exercise that helps to build the central portion of the pectoral muscles.

To perform mid-cable crossovers

1. Stand in the center of the cable machine.

2. Attach the handle to the pulley and move it to the mid-level of the cable machine.

3. Grab the handle in each hand by keeping your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend your elbows.

4. Extend your arms to the sides and pull the handle to the front by bringing both your hands together near your chest.

5. Then return to the starting position and repeat the same.

7. Incline Bench Cable Flyes

Incline bench cable flyes mainly help to target the upper chest muscles. It particularly helps to build strength and definition to your chest muscles.

To perform incline cable flyes

1. Place the bench in the center of the cable machine and adjust the bench to a 30-45-degree angle.

2. Lie on the incline bench with your shoulder and back on the bench by keeping your feet on the floor.

3. Grab the handle in each hand with your palms facing up.

4. Extend your arms to the side with a slight bend in your elbows by keeping your arms parallel to the floor.

5. Lift your arms directly in front of you and squeeze the chest muscles.

6. Then return to the starting position and repeat the same for more reps.

8. Flat Bench Cable Flyes

Flat cable flyes are a good exercise for chest development because they isolate and emphasise the muscles of the outer and mid-chest. They are especially excellent for defining and shaping your chest.

To perform flat cable flyes

1. Place the flat bench in the center of the cable machine.

2. Lie on the flat bench with your shoulder and back on the bench by keeping your feet on the floor.

3. Grab the handle in each hand with your palms facing up.

4. Extend your arms to the side with a slight bend in your elbows by keeping your arms parallel to the floor.

5. Lift your arms directly in front of you and squeeze the chest muscles.

6. Then return to the starting position and repeat the same for more reps.

9. Decline Bench Cable Flyes

The decline bench cable Flyes is an effective exercise for targeting the lower chest muscles and also it helps to build a well-defined and balanced chest development.

To perform flat cable flyes

1. Place the bench in the center of the cable machine and adjust the bench to 15-degree angle.

2. Lie on the decline bench with your shoulder and back on the bench by keeping your feet on the floor.

3. Grab the handle in each hand with your palms facing up.

4. Extend your arms to the side with a slight bend in your elbows by keeping your arms parallel to the floor.

5. Lift your arms directly in front of you and squeeze the chest muscles.

6. Then return to the starting position and repeat the same for more reps.

10. Seated Flat cable chest press

The seated flat cable chest press is an excellent workout for developing upper-body strength and definition. It’s a versatile exercise that can be incorporated into your chest workout regimen to particularly target the pectoral muscles.

To perform a seated flat cable chest press

1. Place the bench in the center of the cable machine.

2. Attach the handles to the mid-level in the cable machine.

3. Sit on the bench by keeping your feet on the floor and grab the handles with an overhand grip.

4. Extend your arms to the sides and push the handle to the front by bringing both your hands together near your chest.

5. Hold in this position for 1-2 sec and squeeze the chest muscles.

6. Then Lower the hands to the starting position and continue doing more reps.

Benefits of Cable Chest Workout

1. Muscle Engagement

Cable workouts activate stabilizing muscles, especially shoulder muscles and core, which contribute to overall upper body strength.

2. Constant Tension in Cable Chest Workout

Cable machines deliver continuous tension throughout the range of motion, which helps to stimulate muscular growth and gives higher muscle activation than free weights.

3. Isolation

Cable exercises improve muscle isolation, allowing you to target specific parts of the chest (upper, middle and lower) but with greater precision.

4. Range of Motion

Cables provide a greater range of motion, allowing for deeper muscular stretching and full contraction, both of which can aid in muscle development.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cable Chest workout

1. What is a cable chest workout?

A cable chest workout is a set of exercises that use a cable machine to target and improve the chest muscles. These workouts often use adjustable pulleys and various cable attachments to produce resistance and target different parts of the chest.

2. Are cable chest workout beneficial for strengthening chest muscles?

Yes, cable chest workouts can be quite beneficial for building chest muscles. They provide sustained tension on the chest muscles throughout the range of motion, which can enhance muscle growth and definition.

The Bottom Line

Cable chest workouts provide a variety of benefits for those looking to increase strength, improve chest definition and improve upper body development.

These workouts provide continuous tension, precise targeting of specific chest muscle regions and diversity in angle and attachments.

With consistency and determination, cable chest workouts can help you achieve your fitness goals by building a stronger, more shaped chest and improving overall upper body strength.

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