Back and Shoulder Workout for Big Muscles

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A back and shoulder workout is the best combination to strengthen the muscles in your upper body. It improves your overall body strength, stabiltiy and aesthetics.

The main thing before starting your workout is doing warm-ups. Do warmup for 5-10 minutes so your muscles get active. A warmup routine improves the blood flow to the muscles, prepares the body for the exercises, and reduces the risk of injury.

Back Workouts

Working out the back muscles is important for overall strength, posture, and stability. Here are some effective back exercises that target different areas of the back


Back workout

Start your back workout by doing pull-ups first. Grab the pull-up bar in an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder width. Pull your body upwards till your chin clears the bar and come back down to the starting position.

Do 3 sets

1st set – 15 counts

2nd set – 12 counts

3rd set – 10 counts

Lat Pulldown

back and shoulder workout

Use a lat pull-down machine, sit closer with your thighs padded up. Grab the bar with the wide grip, pull the bar down near the upper chest while keeping your back straight and then pull down to the starting position. Inhale while lowering the dumbbell and exhale when pushing the dumbbell back to the starting position.

Do 4 sets

1st set – 15 counts

2nd set – 12 counts

3rd set – 10 counts

4th set – 8 counts

Barbell Bent over rows

Hold a barbell, in front of you with an overhand grip and your palms facing down while you stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. As an alternative, you can perform a supine grip row variant using an underhand grip.

Keep your back flat and your spine neutral while you bend your knees and swing forward at the hips. Your torso should be angled towards the floor at around a 45-degree angle. Maintain a tight core and retracted shoulder blades.

Start by hanging your arms down towards the floor with your arms completely extended. Driving your elbows back and keeping them tight to your body, start the exercise by bringing the weight towards your lower ribs. Pull while squeezing your shoulder blades together. Slowly lower the weight back down to the starting position. Inhale while lowering the dumbbell and exhale when pushing the dumbbell back to the starting position.

1st set – 15 counts

2nd set – 12 counts

3rd set – 10 counts

4th set – 8 counts

Seated Cable Rows

back workout

Sit on the cable machine and place your feet on footrest with your knees slightly bent and keep your shoulder straight. Grab the handle with a tight grip at shoulder width. Your arms should be fully extended in the front with your back straight.

Initiate the movement by retracting your shoulder blades and pulling the handle towards your lower ribs. Squeeze your back muscle and wait for a moment for better contraction. Inhale while lowering the dumbbell and exhale when pushing the dumbbell back to the starting position.

1st set – 15 counts

2nd set – 12 counts

3rd set – 10 counts

4th set – 8 counts

Dumbbell Rows

Dumbbell rows are the best exercise in the back workout, it activates the entire back muscles.

Grab a dumbbell in one hand, place the other hand and knee on the bench. s you fully extend your arm, place your supporting hand directly beneath your shoulder. Pull your shoulder blade back and down while holding the dumbbell, and engage your core for stability. Pull the dumbbell up and towards your hip to begin the exercise while keeping your elbow close to your body. To complete the rowing motion, pay special attention to using your back muscles.

At the peak of the exercise, tighten your back and shoulder muscles and hold for a moment to increase the contraction. Fully extend your arm as you controllably lower the dumbbell back to the starting position. Inhale while lowering the dumbbell and exhale when pushing the dumbbell back to the starting position.

1st set – 15 counts

2nd set – 12 counts

3rd set – 10 counts

4th set – 8 counts

Shoulder Workouts

Shoulder workout is important for developing strength, stability, and aesthetics in the upper body. Here are the some effective workouts to target different areas of shoulders.

Barbell Overhead Press

Overhead press are also called shoulder press. It is a compound exercise that targets the deltoids mainly the anterior and the middle delts. It can be performed with Dumbbells, barbells and shoulder machines.

Sit on a bench with your feet shoulder-width apart and the barbell placed at shoulder level. Position the bar in front of your shoulders, your elbows should be slightly in front of the bar. Now press the bar overhead by extending your arms fully and lower the bar back to the starting position in a controlled manner. Inhale while lowering the dumbbell and exhale when pushing the dumbbell back to the starting position.

1st set – 15 counts

2nd set – 12 counts

3rd set – 10 counts

4th set – 8 counts

Dumbbell Shoulder press

Shoulder workout

The Dumbbell shoulder press is an effective exercise in shoulder workout , it targets the shoulder muscles and deltoids along with the triceps.

Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart or seated on a bench with back support. With the palms facing the front, hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height. As an alternative, you might begin by holding the dumbbells with your palms facing inward and resting them on your shoulders. Keep a straight spine and engage your core throughout the workout. Keep your shoulders pushed back and down, your chest high, and your back straight.

Press the dumbbells above by fully extending your arms after taking a deep breath and bracing your core. At the peak of the movement, turn your wrists so that your palms are facing forward as you press up. Lock out your elbows when the dumbbells are overhead, take a brief rest, and concentrate on tightening your shoulder muscles. Now lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position. Inhale while lowering the dumbbell and exhale when pushing the dumbbell back to the starting position.

1st set – 15 counts

2nd set – 12 counts

3rd set – 10 counts

4th set – 8 counts

Lateral Raise

Shoulder workout

Lateral raise is the best exercise in shoulder workout to target your middle deltoid muscles which are located at the side of your shoulders

Holding a dumbbell at each hand at your sides, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Your palms should be facing your body. Keep a straight spine and engage your core throughout the workout. Keep your shoulders pushed back and down, your chest high, and your back straight.

Lift the dumbbells out to the sides with a small bend in your elbows until they are nearly parallel to the ground. Maintain straight wrists, with your elbows a little higher than your wrists. At the peak of the exercise, take a brief pause and concentrate on tightening your shoulder muscles.

In a controlled motion, bring the dumbbells back to the beginning position. Inhale while lowering the dumbbell and exhale when pushing the dumbbell back to the starting position.

1st set – 15 counts

2nd set – 12 counts

3rd set – 10 counts

4th set – 8 counts

Front Raise

Shoulder workout

The front raise is the best exercise in shoulder workout for targeting anterior deltoid muscles, which are located in the front of the shoulders.

Holding a dumbbell or barbell in both hands with your feet shoulder-width apart and your palms facing your body. With a slight bend in your elbows, lift the dumbbells in front of you at shoulder level.

Lower the dumbbell down slower back to the starting position in a controlled manner. Inhale while lowering the dumbbell and exhale when pushing the dumbbell back to the starting position.

1st set – 15 counts

2nd set – 12 counts

3rd set – 10 counts

4th set – 8 counts

Upright Row

Back and shoulder workout

The upright row is an effective shoulder workout for working the trapezius and upper back muscles as well as the deltoids (shoulder muscles), particularly the lateral (side) delts.

Hold a barbell or dumbbell in front of you with an overhand grip, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. The distance between your hands should be just less than shoulder-width. Keep a straight spine and engage your core throughout the workout. Keep your shoulders pushed back and down, your chest high, and your back straight.

Lift the barbell or dumbbells straight up towards your chin while keeping them close to your body, starting with the weight in front of your thighs. Aim to raise your elbows to or just above shoulder level when leading. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and concentrate on contracting your lateral deltoids as you raise. Inhale while lowering the dumbbell and exhale when pushing the dumbbell back to the starting position.

1st set – 15 counts

2nd set – 12 counts

3rd set – 10 counts

4th set – 8 counts

The Bottom Line

A complete back and shoulder workout will help you improve your upper body’s strength, stability, and appearance. The exercises we discussed for each muscle group. Prior to beginning your workout, remember to warm up, keep perfect form during each exercise, and modify the weight and intensity in accordance with your level of fitness. It’s also crucial to pay attention to your body’s signals and seek advice from a fitness expert or healthcare provider if you have any particular restrictions or worries.

By including these exercises in your program, you can develop back and shoulder muscles that are balanced and strong, boosting your upper body’s overall strength and appearance. For the best outcomes, have fun during your workout and maintain consistency in your training.

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