10 Best Lateral Head Tricep Exercises for Bigger Arms

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Tricep workouts are a key part of any upper-body strength training routine. Your triceps, which are located on the back of your upper arms, important for a significant portion of your arm’s total muscle mass and play an important part in stretching the elbow joint.

Building strong, well-defined triceps not only enhances the appearance of your arms, but it helps in various kinds of upper-body movements and athletic performance.

In this article, we will discuss about the top 10 lateral head tricep exercises that helps to increase strength and muscle size.

Get ready to test your limits and make huge improvements with these top-rated lateral head tricep exercises.

Top 10 Lateral Head Tricep Exercises

Here are the top 10 lateral head tricep exercises.

1. Skull Crushers

Skull crushers are one of the highly effective exercises for targeting the triceps mainly the lateral head.

To perform Skull Crushers

1. Lie on the flat bench with your feet on the ground.

2. Hold the EZ bar with your arms fully extended to the top.

3. Lower the EZ bar down towards your forehead by bending your elbow.

4. Now return to the starting position by extending your arms.

5 Continue doing the same for more reps.  

2. Tricep Pushdown

Lateral Head Tricep exercises

A tricep pushdown is the best exercise for isolating and targeting the lateral head of the triceps.

It helps to build strength, power and definition to the triceps.

To perform Tricep Pushdown

1. Stand facing the machine with feet shoulder width apart.

2. Attach the bar to the high pulley of a cable machine.

3. Hold the bar with both hands with an overhand grip and pull the bar down with your elbows bent 90 degrees.

4. Push the bar downwards with your arms fully extended.

5. At this position squeeze the triceps and slowly return to the starting position.

3. Tricep Kickback

Tricep workouts

Cable tricep kickbacks are an effective exercise for building strength and size. It mainly targets the lateral and medium heads of the triceps.

To perform cable tricep kickbacks

1. Attach a single handle bar to the high pulley of the cable machine.

2. Grab the handle with a pronated grip.

3. Bend your knees and hinge forward to the hips by keeping your back straight.

4. Bend your elbow to 90 degrees and push the handle behind you.

5. Hold the handle in this position for 1 sec.

6. Now bring the handle to the starting position and continue doing for more reps.

4. Close grip Bench Press

Close grip bench press is a compound exercise that mainly targets the lateral head and it also targets the shoulders and chest.

To perform close grip bench press

1. Lie on the bench press machine with feet on the floor.

2. Grab the barbell with both hands closely.

3. Lift the barbell upwards with your arms fully extended.

4. At the position, squeeze the triceps and slowly return the barbell to the starting position.

5. Then, continue doing the same for more reps.

5. Tricep Dips

Tricep dips is a bodyweight exercise that helps strengthen and target the lateral head of the triceps.

To perform Tricep dips

1. Place your hands on the parallel bars, with your palms facing down and shoulder-width apart.

2. Stand between the bars with your feet close to each other.

3. Lift your body upwards from the floor with your arms fully extended.

4. Lower your body by bending the elbows and continue doing the same for more reps.

6. Overhead Tricep Extension

tricep exercises

Overhead tricep extension is the best exercise that mainly targets the lateral head and long head of the triceps.

To perform Overhead tricep extension

1. Sit on a bench and hold a dumbbell in both hands overhead.

2. Now lower the dumbbell downwards behind your head.

3. Now bring the dumbbell back to the starting position and squeeze the tricep muscles.

4. Continue doing the same for more reps.

7. Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdown

Reverse grip tricep pushdown is an effective exercise that mainly targets the lateral head and medium head of the triceps.

To perform reverse grip tricep pushdown

1. Stand facing the machine with feet shoulder width apart.

2. Attach the bar to the high pulley of a cable machine.

3. Hold the bar with both hands with an underhand grip, which means your palms should be placing down and pulling the bar down with your elbows bent 90 degrees.

4. Push the bar downwards with your arms fully extended.

5. At this position squeeze the triceps and slowly return to the starting position.

8. Diamond Pushups


Diamond push-ups, also called as close-grip push-ups, are a very effective bodyweight exercise that focuses on the triceps, particularly the lateral head, and the chest.

To perform diamond push-ups

1. Get into a standard push up position with your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Position your hands directly under your chest, with your thumbs and index fingers touching to make a diamond or triangle configuration.

3. Engage your core muscles, glutes, and legs to align your spine.

4. Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor.

5. Then Push back and come to the starting position.

9. Single Arm Tricep Pushdown

Single arm tricep pushdown is an isolation exercise that targets the lateral head and helps to get better definition.

To perform single arm pushdown

1. Stand facing the machine with feet shoulder width apart.

2. Attach the single handle to the high pulley of a cable machine.

3. Hold the handle with an overhand grip and pull the handle down with your elbows bent 90 degrees.

4. Push the handle downwards with your arms fully extended.

5. At this position squeeze the triceps and slowly return to the starting position.

10. Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extension

Single arm overhead tricep extension is an effective exercise that targets the lateral head and long head and helps to strengthen and shape the triceps.

To perform single arm overhead tricep extension

1. Sit on a bench and hold a dumbbell over your head by extending your arms.

2. Now lower the dumbbell downwards behind your head.

3. Now bring the dumbbell back to the starting position and squeeze the tricep muscles.

4. Continue doing the same for more reps.

Frequently Asked Questions About Lateral Head Tricep Exercises

Here are the frequently asked questions

1. Why should I concentrate on the lateral head tricep exercises?

The lateral head of the triceps contributes to the outer portion of the arm, resulting in a “horseshoe” form that adds definition and size. Targeting this muscle can improve the appearance and strength of your arms.

2. How long does it take to get results from lateral head triceps exercises?

Diet, consistency, and heredity all have an impact on the outcome. Within 4-8 weeks of consistent training, you should notice significant improvements in strength and muscle definition.

3. Should I incorporate lateral head tricep exercises with other arm workouts?

Yes, combining tricep exercises with bicep and shoulder routines may increase balanced arm development while also improving total upper body strength and power.

The Bottom Line

Triceps strengthening increases arm strength, power, and endurance. It is useful for pushing, lifting, and stretching the arms, as well as complimenting other upper-body exercises such as bench presses and pushups. Triceps strength can improve both athletic performance and daily activities.

Whether you are a beginner or very expert these top 10 lateral head tricep exercises helps to build your arms bigger and stronger.

Do these exercises with proper form, consistency and increasing weight when needed are essential for seeing the results.

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