10 Push Day Workout To Develop Upper Body Muscles

Push day workout
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The Best Push Day Workout Routine – 10 Best Exercises

Push day workout focuses on exercises that involve pushing movements. These workouts mainly target muscle groups like the shoulder, triceps and chest.

They also contribute in improving strength, shape, size, definition and overall upper body aesthetics.

In this article, we’ll look at the exercises that targets the push day regimen, each exercise is selected for its ability to target specific muscle groups while improving total upper body strength and development.

From basic compound movements like the bench press to isolation exercises like tricep extensions, these top 10 push day workouts are adaptable, effective, and scalable to individuals of various fitness levels and training preferences.

Top 10 Push Day Workout

Here are the top 10 push day workouts

1. Barbell Flat Chest Press

Push day workout

The barbell flat chest press is a compound exercise that mainly targets the chest muscles. It also targets the shoulders and tricep muscles to a lesser extent.

The barbell flat chest press helps to build upper body strength and definition.

To perform barbell flat chest press

1. Lie on a flat bench with your feet placed on the ground.

2. Grab the barbell with both hands slightly wider than the shoulder width.

3. Lift the barbell from the rack and keep it directly near your chest.

4. Lower the barbell down till it touches your chest.

5. Push the barbell above your chest by extending your arms fully.

6. Hold in that position and squeeze the chest muscles.

7. Then, slowly return to the starting position and continue doing the same.

2. Barbell Shoulder Press

Shoulder exercise

The barbell shoulder press also called the overhead press, it is a compound exercise that targets the deltoid muscles. It also targets the upper chest and tricep muscles.

To perform the Barbell shoulder press

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Grab the barbell with both hands slightly wider than the shoulder width.

3. Push the barbell upwards above your head with your arms fully extended.

4. At the top of the movement, hold the barbell and squeeze the shoulder muscles.

5. Then, slowly lower the barbell to the starting position and continue doing the same for more reps.

3. Barbell Incline Chest Press


Barbell incline chest press is an effective exercise that targets the upper chest muscles along with triceps and front deltoids.

To perform barbell incline chest press

1. Set the machine to a 30-45 degree angle and lie on the bench with your feet placed on the ground.

2. Grab the barbell with both hands slightly wider than the shoulder width.

3. Lift the barbell from the rack and keep it directly near your upper chest.

4. Lower the barbell down till it touches your upper chest.

5. Push the barbell above your upper chest by extending your arms fully.

6. Hold in that position and squeeze the chest muscles.

7. Then, slowly return to the starting position and continue doing the same.

4. Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Push day workout

The dumbbell shoulder press is a very effective exercise that mainly targets the deltoid of the shoulder muscles. It helps to build strength, shape and definition to your shoulders.

To perform the dumbbell shoulder press

1. Sit on the bench with your feet placed on the ground.

2. Grab the dumbbell with both hands slightly wider than the shoulder width.

3. Push the dumbbell upwards above your head with your arms fully extended.

4. At the top of the movement, dumbbell and squeeze the shoulder muscles.

5. Then, slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position and continue doing the same for more reps.

5. Dumbbell Flat Chest Press

chest workouts

The dumbbell flat chest press is one of the best exercises that help to build muscle mass and strength in your chest, shoulder and triceps.

It also helps to build upper body strength, stability and muscular endurance.

To perform dumbbell flat chest press

1. Lie on a flat bench with your feet placed on the ground.

2. Grab the dumbbell with both hands slightly wider than the shoulder width.

3. Lift the dumbbell and keep it directly near your chest.

4. Lower the dumbbell down till it touches your chest.

5. Push the dumbbell above your chest by extending your arms fully.

6. Hold in that position and squeeze the chest muscles.

7. Then, slowly return to the starting position and continue doing the same.

6. Dumbbell Incline Chest Press

chest workouts

The dumbbell incline chest press is an effective exercise for targeting the top portion of the pectoral muscles, resulting in a well-rounded and shaped chest.

To perform dumbbell incline chest press

1. Set the machine to a 30-45 degree angle and lie on the bench with your feet placed on the ground.

2. Grab the dumbbells with both hands slightly wider than the shoulder width.

3. Lift the dumbbell and keep it directly near your upper chest.

4. Lower the dumbbell down till it touches your upper chest.

5. Push the dumbbell above your upper chest by extending your arms fully.

6. Hold in that position and squeeze the chest muscles.

7. Then, slowly return to the starting position and continue doing the same.

7. Barbell Decline Chest Press

Push day workout

The barbell decline chest press is a compound exercise that mainly targets the lower pectoral muscles, as well as the triceps and deltoids.

Doing decline chest press with proper form helps to build strength, size and definition in the lower chest.

To perform dumbbell decline chest press

1. Set the machine to the lowest angle and lie on the bench with your feet placed under the leg supports.

2. Grab the dumbbells with both hands slightly wider than the shoulder width.

3. Lift the dumbbell and keep it directly above your lower chest by extending your arms.

4. Lower the dumbbell down till it touches your lower chest.

5. Push the dumbbell above your lower chest by extending your arms fully.

6. Hold in that position and squeeze the chest muscles.

7. Then, slowly return to the starting position and continue doing the same.

8. Tricep Pushdown

Tricep workouts

A tricep pushdown is an isolation exercise that targets the tricep brachii muscles which are placed back of your arms.

The tricep pushdown efficiently works the triceps muscles, improving strength, muscle tone, and definition at the back of the arms.

To perform tricep pushdown

1. Attach a bar to the high pulley of the cable machine.

2. Stand facing the bar and grab the bar with both hands with an overhand grip.

3. Bend the elbow slightly and push the bar downwards.

4. Hold the bar in this position and squeeze the tricep muscles.

5. Now bring the bar to the starting position and continue doing for more reps.

9. Lateral Raise

push day workout

The lateral raise is a fundamental isolation exercise that focuses on the lateral deltoid muscles of the shoulders, resulting in larger and more defined shoulders.

To perform lateral raise

1. Hold the dumbbell in both hands and stand with your feet shoulder width apart.

2. Keep your shoulders pushed back and down, your chest high, and your back straight.

3. Lift the dumbbell to the sides with a small bend in your elbow.

4. At the top movement hold the dumbbell and squeeze the muscles.

5. In a controlled motion, bring the dumbbells back to the starting position and continue doing the same.

10. Dumbbell Chest Fly


Dumbbell chest fly are an effective isolation exercise for targeting the pectoralis major muscles, which helps to sculpt and build the chest.

To perform dumbbell fly

1. Lie on a flat bench holding the dumbbells in both hands above your chest.

2. With a slight bend in your elbows, lower the dumbbells out of the side in a wide arc until you feel the stretch in your chest.

3. Then Slowly return to the starting position and continue doing the same for more reps.

Benefits of Doing Push Day Workout

Here are the top 3 benefits of doing push day workout

1. Strengthen Upper Body Muscles

Push day workout mainly target the upper body muscle groups like the chest, shoulder and triceps. Doing workouts for these muscles helps to increase strength, power and endurance.

2. Improves Muscle Definition

Push day workout, such as bench presses, shoulder presses, and tricep dips, promote muscle growth and development. Over time, this might result in enhanced muscle definition, giving you a more sculpted and toned appearance.

3. Boosts Metabolism

Resistance training, such as push day workout helps to  build muscle mass. Muscle tissue is metabolically active, therefore having more muscle can help with weight management and fat loss.

Frequently Asked Questions About Push Day Workout

Here are the frequently asked questions about push day workout.

1. How frequently should I do push day workout?

The frequency of push day workout is determined by individual fitness goals, training experience, and recovery capabilities. Most people can achieve optimal muscular growth and recovery by undertaking push day workout 1-3 times per week, with at least 48 hours of rest in between sessions.

2. How many sets and repetitions should I do during a push day workout?

The amount of sets and reps in a push day workout varies according to personal goals and training intensity. A common approach is to perform 3-5 sets of 6-12 reps for each exercise, with a focus on progressive overload over time to promote muscular growth.

The Bottom Line

Doing push day workout regularly can provide numerous benefits for those looking to improve their upper body strength, muscular definition, and overall fitness level.

Individuals can gain overall development and functional strength by combining compound and isolation exercises that target muscles such as the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

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