10 Best Exercises to Gain Weight Quickly
Many people at some point want to gain some pounds quickly. It is considerably harder to gain weight quickly. Fast weight gain can be challenging, but it’s simpler than you might think if you know what to do.
You must increase your weekly calorie intake by at least 20% if you want to gain weight quickly. With the right diet, training, and cardio routines, you can gain weight quickly.
You must be in a calorie surplus for continued weight gain, which means you must eat more calories than you burn.
Is It Difficult To Gain Weight?
My answer is without a doubt no, as following a great meal plan and being in a calorie surplus make it simpler to gain weight. However, you need also to prioritize weight training and strength training in addition to diets. By doing this, you may gain weight slowly at the beginning and then you will gain weight faster. Follow the proper diet and workouts to gain weight quickly.
What is Calorie Surplus?
For gaining weight you need to be in a calorie surplus. It means you should consume more calories than your body burns. It is a fundamental idea in weight growth since it gives your body the extra energy it needs to create new tissue, including muscle and fat.
When you eat more calories than your body can burn, the extra energy is either stored as body fat or glycogen, which is stored glucose in your muscles and liver. When you consume more calories than you need, you build up an energy reserve that you can use when you’re active more frequently or your body needs more energy for growth and repair. Following calorie surplus is the best way to gain weight.
10 Effective Exercises to Gain Weight
1. Strength Training

Strength training is an effective way to gain weight and build muscle mass. Lifting weight and doing exercises make your body stronger and increase your muscles.
Strength training exercises target multiple muscle groups and it promotes overall muscle growth.
Lifting weights will help to build your muscle in a healthy way.
1. Focus on exercises like deadlifts, leg presses, bench presses and overhead shoulder presses.
2. First do dumbbell exercises, but if you are familiar with dumbbells use machine exercises.
3. Include aerobic exercises with strength training for an effective way to gain weight without increasing fat . Aerobic exercises like planks, leg raise, Russian twists and bicycle crunches.
2. Push-ups
There are many types of push-ups. Do these three main push-up exercises to gain weight quickly.
Incline Push-ups

Step 1: Take the bench, place the hands on the bench wider than shoulder width with your fingers pointing forward.
Step 2: Extend your legs behind you and confirm that your body forms a straight line.
Step 3: Lower your chest towards the elevated surface by bending your elbows.
Step 4: Keep your core engaged and maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement.
Step 5: Lower until your chest is close to the surface, then push through your hands to return to the starting position, fully extending your arms.
Flat push-ups

Step 1: Assume a plank position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
Step 2: Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor, then push back up.
Decline Push-ups

Step 1: Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart on the elevated surface, with your fingers pointing forward.
Step 2: Extend your legs behind you, ensuring your body forms a straight line from head to heels
Step 3: Lower your chest towards the elevated surface by bending your elbows.
Step 4: Keep your core engaged and maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement
Step 5: Lower until your chest is close to the surface, then push through your hands to return to the starting position.
3. Barbell Shoulder Press

Overhead presses are also called shoulder presses. It is a compound exercise that targets the deltoids mainly the anterior and the middle delts. It can be performed with Dumbbells, barbells and shoulder machines.
Step 1: Sit on a bench with your feet shoulder-width apart and the barbell placed at shoulder level.
Step 2: Position the bar in front of your shoulders, your elbows should be slightly in front of the bar.
Step 3: Now press the bar overhead by extending your arms fully and lower the bar back to the starting position in a controlled manner.
Step 4: Inhale while lowering the dumbbell and exhale when pushing the dumbbell back to the starting position.
Do 4 Sets
1st set – 15 counts
2nd set – 12 counts
3rd set – 10 counts
4th set – 8 counts
4. Barbell Bench Press

Barbell bench press is the most effective exercise to build your chest and it makes your chest muscle bigger.
Step 1: Lie on a flat bench and grab the barbell with a grip slightly wider than shoulder width.
Step 2: Lower it down to the chest and push it back to the starting position.
Step 3: Inhale while lowering the barbell and exhale when pushing the barbell back to the starting position.
Do 4 sets
1st Set – 15 counts
2nd Set – 12 Counts
3rd Set – 10 Counts
4th Set – 8 Counts
5. Pull Ups

Pull-ups are an effective bodyweight exercise that targets the muscles of the upper body, particularly the back, shoulder and arms. They are considered one of the most effective bodyweight movements for building upper body strength, building back muscle and improving overall fitness.
Step 1: Grab the pull-up bar in an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder width.
Step 2: Pull your body upwards till your chin clears the bar and come back down to the starting position.
Do 3 sets
1st Set – 15 counts
2nd Set – 12 Counts
3rd Set – 10 Counts
6. Hammer curls

Hammer curls are the best exercise that targets the biceps and also the brachialis. Hammer curls help to build well-rounded arm strength and size.
Step 1: First take a dumbbell with an appropriate weight that is comfortable and increase the weight after each set.
Step 2: Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and Your palms should be facing each other while you hold a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip.
Step 3: Lift the dumbbell till your biceps are fully contracted and squeeze the biceps.
Step 4: Hold the dumbbell for 1-2 sec and lower down back to the starting position.
Note: Inhale while lifting the Barbell or dumbbell and exhale when lowering the barbell or dumbbell back to the starting position.
Do 4 sets
1st Set – 15 counts
2nd Set – 12 Counts
3rd Set – 10 Counts
4th Set – 8 Counts
7. Dumbbell Rows

Dumbbell rows are the best exercise in the back workout, it activates the entire back muscles.
Step 1: Grab a dumbbell in one hand, place the other hand and knee on the bench and fully extend your arm, place your supporting hand directly beneath your shoulder.
Step 2: Pull your shoulder blade back and down while holding the dumbbell, and engage your core for stability.
Step 3: Pull the dumbbell up and towards your hip to begin the exercise while keeping your elbow close to your body. To complete the rowing motion, pay special attention to using your back muscles.
Step 4: Fully extend your arm as you controllably lower the dumbbell back to the starting position.
Note: Inhale while lowering the dumbbell and exhale when pushing the dumbbell back to the starting position.
1st set – 15 counts
2nd set – 12 counts
3rd set – 10 counts
4th set – 8 counts
8. Bicep Curls

Bicep Curls are the best exercise to grow your bicep muscle bigger and stronger. It targets the muscles in front of your arms and helps to build muscle mass in your arms.
Step 1: First take a dumbbell or barbell and put the weight which is comfortable.
Step 2: Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart.
Step 3: Lift the barbell till your biceps are fully contracted and squeeze the biceps. For a dumbbell lift it till your shoulder.
Step 4: Hold the barbell or dumbbell for 1-2 sec and lower down back to the starting position.
Note: Inhale while lifting the Barbell or dumbbell and exhale when lowering the barbell or dumbbell back to the starting position.
Do 4 sets
1st Set – 15 counts
2nd Set – 12 Counts
3rd Set – 10 Counts
4th Set – 8 Counts
9. Squats

Squats are a compound exercise that targets multiple muscle groups in the lower body including the hamstrings, quadriceps and glutes. It can also improve your balance and boosts your overall endurance. The one exercise that can transform you in a month, it’s squats.
Step 1: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and keep your toes pointing slightly outward to maintain stability. Your back should be straight, your shoulders pulled back, and your chest lifted.
Step 2: Begin the squat by pushing your hips back, as if you’re sitting in a chair and keep your weight on your heels throughout the movement to engage the glutes and hamstrings better.
Step 3: Go down as far as your flexibility allows while maintaining a neutral spine and aim to get your thighs parallel to the ground or slightly below if possible.
Step 4: Push through your heels and engage your glutes and quadriceps to return to the starting position.
10. Tricep Dips